My heart is with the German Angoras, not just because I was born and raised in Germany. They fit my creative life style. Daily checks and weekly blow outs work well in my busy homesteading schedule.

Bunny care

German Angoras don’t shed. I like long fibers 4”-6” to spin on its own or blend with other luscious fibers. The rabbits wait patiently for about 4 months for their next hair cut.
Our Angora rabbits live a luxurious life in their climate controlled Bunny Barn. With several months of high humidity in NJ I know they are comfortable in the summer, and cozy warm in the winter. If they get sheared in the winter they do wear pjs for a couple of days to adjust smoothly to the new look.
Envisioning natural colored batts and yarns, I focus on growing my rabbitry towards color and good crimp. I have “collected” REW (ruby eyed white), BEW (blue eyed white), chestnut, chocolate, fawn, blue and black German Angora rabbits for my color pallet.